Comparison of Rain rates and rain classification from MT BRAIN retrievals over several operationnal and research radar in the Tropics
1 : Géosciences Environnement Toulouse
2 : Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spatiales
* : Corresponding author
INSU, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC) - Paris VI, CNRS : UMR8190
As part of the MTGV activities, collaboration have been set up with Meteo-France and the australian bureau of Meteorology in order to access to their radar based rainfall estimates, in complement with our own radar based super-site, for comparison with the Brain rainfall retrievals. The methodology set up for comparing both rain rates and Convective/stratiform classifications will be presented and initial results wil be discussed.